STRESS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (SANSKAR SUTRA WORKSHOP) is specially designed by SHRI GIRISH V. KADAM (Yoga and Fitness Guru) for healthy body, mind and soul because nowadays. We are prone to develop a lot of health problems due to continuous physical and mental stress at work and school. Modern day stresses are more likely to be psychological in origin and prolonged in nature (work-related stress, financial worries, inter-personal relationships, chronic illnesses). Everyone is talking about stress and stress is very common problem for all, what is stress and how does this affects us? Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. Once that stress level is beyond your comfort zone, stress stops being helpful and can start causing major damage to your mind and body.

Modern day stresses are more likely to be psychological in origin and prolonged in nature (work-related stress, financial worries, inter-personal relationships, chronic illnesses). Now days Each and every person is suffering with stress. For e.g. STUDENTS, TEACHERS, CORPORATE PEOPLE, HOUSEWIVES, COMMON PEOPLE Etc. Over-exposure to those stress hormones can, develop a lot of health problems due to continuous physical and mental stress at work and school.

Keeping in mind all these problems STRESS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (SANSKAR SUTRA WORKSHOP), we at The Yoga Kendra have designed special workshops for Stress Management. We know that stress cannot be eliminating totally, but by bringing changes in life style, stress can be “Managed” well. This program is designed with simple Yogasanas, Pranayam easy relaxing techniques and diet etc. to keep all healthy and fit with body, mind and soul.

These workshops are very unique in concept; rejuvenating and enjoyable for the participants. We conduct these workshops at our KENDRA where we have lot of space available. Or at the clients own premises or the hired ones. The workshops are designed such a way that it suit requirements of all.

Enroll now or book STRESS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (SANSKAR SUTRA WORKSHOP) for society, complex, schools, students, teachers, corporate companies, employees, workers and for all. Start your journey towards wellness under the expert guidance of our Yoga and Fitness Guru SHRI. GIRISH V. KADAM.